
We are located at Heinrichstrasse 28 (5th floor) in 8010 Graz (the GPS coordinates are 47.078604° N and 15.448319° E), which is in walking distance from the city centre. The closest bus stations are “Uni/Mozartgasse” and “Attemsgasse” (click here for an overview of the public transport network of Graz).

From the main train station (Graz Hauptbahnhof):

Take bus line 58 in direction Mariagrün to the stop Uni/Mozartgasse. The bus stop is directly in front of our building. Alternatively, you can take line 63 in direction Schulzentrum St. Peter to the stop Attemsgasse.

From Jakominiplatz:

Take bus line 31 in direction Uni-Resowi to the stop Uni-Mensa or Uni-RESOWI.

From the airport: Flughafen Graz

Take the commuter train (S-Bahn) S-5 to the Hauptbahnhof,  then bus line 58 or 63. Alternatively, you can take bus line 630/631 to Jakominiplatz, then bus line 31.

For all other starting points, please see: BusBahnBim

For national and international train information, please see: oebb